Community Support

The Lafayette Regional Association of Realtors® is deeply committed to supporting our community and to helping continue making the Lafayette region a great place to live. Our staff and Realtor® members are active locally in charitable organizations and in supporting the arts, youth sports, and community endeavors.

Some of our recent efforts include:

Homeward BoundGreater Lafayette Homeward Bound - Uniting to Provide Housing and Fight Homelessness in Indiana. Homeward Bound is an annual event that takes place to raise funding for and awareness about affordable housing and homelessness. Every dollar raised goes directly to agencies of Homeward Bound in the Greater Lafayette Area. LRAOR committee members sponsor events such as their Memorial Golf Outing and participate in the annual Homeward Bound Walk each spring.

Wabash River Enhancement CorporationDonating time to serve on work groups and raising funds through NAR grants LRAOR members are busy serving in their community. The LRAOR Economic Development Committee works to with the WREC a non-profit agency to lead community efforts in developing long range plans to improve the riverfront, the river corridor, and water quality; and then engage with providing grants to support the implementation. This including REALTOR members serving on the Vision 20/20 work group and the WREC. The Urban Corridor is just one part of this project.

Food Finders Food Bank, Inc.: fighting hunger, giving hopeContributing donations and volunteer efforts to Food Finders Food Bank.

The LRAOR YPN CHRISTMAS TOY DRIVE: Each year the LRAOR YPN committee conducts a toy drive. A box is placed in our REALTOR offices and Affiliate member offices for new toys to be donated. The YPN committee collects and delivers these toys to be handed out during a community dinner where children and their families get to have dinner with Santa and receive a present.

And of course, we are proud to serve as the voice of real estate in providing news, information, and perspective about the regional housing market to a variety of media outlets.